Monday, April 2, 2012

April 2 Evening WOD

25:00 AMARP

30 - Double Unders
10 - Power Snatch (55#/75#)
10 - Ring Dips

Warm Up:
1 min single jump rope
1 min DU
2 rounds:
10 box dips
20 jumping jacks


25:00 AMARP

30 - Double Unders (60 Singles)
10 - Power Snatch (75#)
10 - Ring Dips (Blue band, Red Band)
Total: 8 complete rounds + 60 singles JR
PLUS - 400m run

Great energy at the Box tonight.  The 7:30 classes are really filling up.  Still working on DU which just suck.  Thinking about buying a jump rope for myself.  75# snatch wasn't to bad but by the 6th round it was getting heavy.  Ring dips were ok.  I used the blue band most of the time and tried the red once and that just sucked. AFter the WOD Ken and I ran 400m.  Nice way to cool down while the weather is cool.

1 comment:

  1. best thing you can do is buy a rope of your own. its a great tool to warm up with before class etc as well. try a lot out before you buy tho feel free to borrow mine anytime its longer and i leave it at the gym. even under fatigue your snatches were rock solid nice job.
