Monday, January 30, 2012

Jan 28 Morning WOD

20:00 AMRAP

5 - Pull Ups
10- Push Ups
15 - Squats

10 squats
10 euro pushups
10 KTE
3:00mins jump rope.

20:00 AMRAP

5 - Pull Ups
10- Push Ups
15 - Squats
Total: 13 plus pushups (I started with pushups)

Awesome WOD. It is a real test of where I am. Just like Friday's WOD. Glad to see Brianna back. I made it through 5 straight days of WODs which is really impressive for me. I couldn't have done that a month ago. Bring on next week!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Jan 27 Evening WOD

800 Meters
50 - Squats
800 Meters
40 - Sit ups
800 Meters
30 - Burpees
400 Meters
20 - Double Unders
800 Meters
10 - Pull ups

ladder work

800 Meters - Row
50 - Squats
800 Meters - Row
40 - Sit ups
800 Meters - Bike
30 - Burpees
400 Meters - run
20 - Double Unders
800 Meters - Row
10 - Pull ups 2 blue band, 8 green
Total: 30:32

When I saw this WOD in the morning I thought it would be a great test for me to complete. To really see how far I have come. It was great. Really pushed it and had an awesome time of 30:32. I really wanted to get under 30min, but next time I will. Actually did the 20 DU. 1 at a time but I did them. Hopefully my body will recover quick enough for tomorrow's WOD, Cindy.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jan 26 Lunch WOD

14:00 AMRAP
10 - Sumo Dead High Pull (55#/75#)
20 - 25# Plate Overhead Walking Lunges
*5 Push ups every 2:00*

Rest 2:00

14:00 AMRAP
20 - Sumo Dead High Pull (55#/75#)
10 - 25# Plate Overhead Walking Lunges
*10 Push ups every 2:00*

Warm up:
400m row
2 rounds:
20 squats
20 situps
10 KB swings

14:00 AMRAP
10 - Dead Lift 100#
20 - 25# Plate Overhead Walking Lunges
5 Push ups every 2:00
total: 7

Rest 2:00

14:00 AMRAP
20 - Dead Lift 100#
10 - 25# Plate Overhead Walking Lunges
*10 Push ups every 2:00*
Total: 5 with 8 deadlifts

Jan 25 Lunch WOD

Strength: Front Squat (Last posted 10.4.11)

Skill: Ring Dips

Warm up:
25 Doulbe Unders
20 OHS (PVC)
25 Doulbe Unders
20 OHS (PVC)
25 Doulbe Unders
20 Goodmornings (PVC)
25 Doulbe Unders
DU - Mix of DU and singles

Front Squat
3 Reps
1 Rep

Ring Dips
10-8-6-4 - Blue Band
3-2-1 - Red Band

Jan 24 Lunch WOD

27 - 21- 15 - 9 -3
"L" Pull ups
Box Jumps

Warm Up:
2:00min jump rope

Shuttle runs 4X
New Move: Hollow Cradle

27 - 21- 15 - 9 -3

"L" Pull ups
Box Jumps
One Round must be done on the rings for L-pullups (15)
Total: 17:10

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Jan 21 Morning WOD

Workout must be completed in a team of 2 people. Can not move onto the next move until each partner has finished each rep.
P1 = Partner 1
P2 = Partner 2
Round 1
P1 = 60 Squats
P2 = 40 Wallballs
P1 = 50 Sit ups
P2 = 20 Burpees
P1 and P2 = (3:00 (total) of Jump rope, Row or Bike) then move onto Round 2
Round 2
P1 = 40 Wallballs
P2 = 60 Squats
P1 = 20 Burpees
P2 = 50 Sit Ups

5 rounds
Box Jump Path
5 PVC squats

Deb = P1
Shawn = P2
P1 = 60 Squats
P2 = 40 Wallballs
P1 = 50 Sit ups
P2 = 20 Burpees
P1 and P2 = (3:00 Me - Row Deb - Bike)
Round 2
P1 = 40 Wallballs
P2 = 60 Squats
P1 = 20 Burpees
P2 = 50 Sit Ups
P1 and P2 both Jumprope
Time: 14:00
Then 100 pullups total as a team

Another great Sat AM WOD. Teamed up with Deb to knock this one out.
I probably did a total of 38 pullups and she did the rest. Still on the green band.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jan 18 Lunch WOD

Tabata This

Pull Ups
Push Ups
Sit Ups

- 20 Seconds, as many reps as possible
- Rest for 10 seconds
8 Intervals for each exercise.

Warm Up:

Boxes: jump over
Row: 400m rev grip
1 round
5 squats
5 situps
5 pushups
5 pullups


8 rounds

Pull Ups: 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4 total: 34
Push Ups: 10, 10, 10, 9, 8, 6, 5, 6 total: 64
Sit Ups: 10, 8, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 5 total: 51
Squats: 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 13 total: 89

Great WOD today. Little over 11mins of work and I was done! All Pullups done on Green Band and Situps were crossfit situps. Next WOD is tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jan 17 Lunch WOD

Strength: Barbell Snatch

1. Must Complete 25 Pull Ups during/before last set of BB Snatch wo.
2. Must Rest min. of 2:00 between each set.
3. Can not complete more than 8 pull ups per set.

Warm up:
10 Polish Pushups
2 rounds
5 wide pushups
5 narrow pushups
10 jump tucks
20 heel/butt
1min jump rope

Barbell Snatch
8 pullups Green band
5 snatch with #45 bar
7 pullups Green Band
5 snatch #65
5 Pullups Blue Band
5 snatch #85
5 Pullups Blue Band
5 snatch #105
5 snatch #115

Great lunchtime WOD. I always over think on my form when doing snatches or cleans. I don't want to mess up my back with bad form. I could have gone with more weight to set my PR but I felt pretty good on the 5 at #115.
On the pullups, I switched to the blue bands for the last 10. As stated before I want to be away from the green bands by the end of the month. Practice makes perfect!

Jan 16 Night WOD

1 mile (run, row, bike)
20 - Squat Cleans (55#/85#)
20 - Box Jumps
20 - Clean and Press
20 - Box Jumps
20 - Squat Cleans
1 mile (run, row, bike)

Warm Up:
3 rounds
3 burpee broad jumps
6 lunges
9 situps
10 bear crawl

1 mile Row: 6:46
20 - Squat Cleans (#75)
20 - Box Jumps (small box)
20 - Clean and Press (#65)
20 - Box Jumps (tall box)
20 - Squat Cleans (#65)
1 mile row 7:14
Total time: 29: 45

Happy with my row times. Dave B. showed me another way to row which threw me all off. He said it will be more efficient his way so I will give it a try. Pushed really hard to get under the 30min mark.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Jan 14 Morning WOD

21 - Thrusters (65#/95#)
100 - Push ups
15 - Thrusters
100 - Sit ups
9 - Thrusters
100 - Squats

Warm up:
2 Rounds
10 Situp Wallballs
10 Heel Kicks
10 Lunges
10 Bear Crawl
5 Reverse Burpees
1 min Jump rump

21 - Thrusters (75#)
100 - Push ups

15 - Thrusters (75#)
100 - Sit ups

9 - Thrusters (75#)
100 - Squats
TIME: 19:27

Today's WOD was a tough one. They combined Fran with Angie. I am not very strong at pushups. After 15 I went to my knees and finished the rest. I was doing 10 at a time and then the last 20 I was doing 5 at a time. My shoulders were shot. I am surprised that I did 100 situps with nothing on my feet. And on the squats, I just pushed them out to get them over with. I had the coaches there cheering me on for my last 20 so I can finish the WOD in under 20 minutes. I did and ended up doing it at 19:27.
I really need to work on my pushups!

Next WOD Monday Morning.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Unscheduled Rest Day

I had to take today off from Crossfit due to nagging lower back pain. The WOD for today is Grace which is 30 clean and jerks at #135. I know I wouldn't have done that weight but I didn't want to take any chances. So I will take today and tomorrow off and then jump back in on Saturday.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Jan 10 Lunch WOD


20:00 AMRAP

400 Meters (Run, Row or Bike)
Max rep Pull ups

Warm up:
5 rounds
ladder work (high knees, one leg jumps...)
10 cleans
10 situps

20:00 AMRAP

400 Meters (Run, Row or Bike)
Max rep Pull ups
R1 Run, 3 pullups (blue band)
R2 Row, 6 pullups (rest green band)
R3 Bike, 6
R4 Run, 7
R5 Row, 5
R6 Bike, 1 (ran out of time)

Tough WOD with all the pullups. Tried the blue band and was able to get 3 pullups out of it. I hope to be on the blue band all the time by the end of the month. The run/walk was decent. For the 2 runs I averaged 3:10min. No issues with the knee so far (knock on wood)

Next WOD tomorrow Lunch time!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Jan 9 Evening WOD

10 Rounds For Time:
15 - Wallballs
1 - Rope Climb
15 - Kettlebell Swings

10 box jumps
10 air squats
5 pullups (green Band)

10 rounds for time
15 - Wallballs (6 rounds #14, 4 rounds #10)
1 - Rope Climb (3 rope pullups from the ground)
15 - Kettlebell Swings (4 rounds #20, 6 rounds #15)
Time: 23:23

Tough and long WOD. Felt great throughout. First 7:30 class with Dave and Steve coaching. Very fun and glad I went.

Had a great day of eating. Very happy to make it through the day without eating any crap!

Next WOD tomorrow Lunchtime!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Let the Good Eating Begin!!!

So I have decided to start slow with my diet plan. I will cut out all bread and pasta. I think I can handle that this week. That actually is a lot to cut but I need to start somewhere. So bread does not include cereal, at least for this week. Pasta is big at my house so when ever we have pasta I will have salad and what ever else is in the fridge. I need to get some whey protein for my morning shakes. Still looking into what brand I need to go with. I have also started taking my daily vitamins which include fish oil and glucosamine/chondroitin. Those along with my daily multi vit. should be good.

I have never been able to stick with any type of diet plan. I hope this time will be different. I signed up for the unlimited classes at CrossFit so I will need to keep my eating healthy if I am going to perform well.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Jan 7 Morning WOD

Death By Burpees
Perform 1 burpee the first minute
1:00 - 2 burpees the second minute/round
1:00 - 3 burpees in the 3rd minute /round
1:00 - 4, 5, 6/rounds...etc untill you can not complete the # of burpee required in the round under a minute
Then pick one of the following:
A - Run One Mine For time
B - 100 Double Unders for time
C - 2 Mile Row for time

Warm up:
2 rounds of Cindy
5 Pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
9 rounds of burpees = 45 total (plus either 9 or 10)

I made it to the 10th round but lost count on my burpees so I did not know if I did 9 or 10. I stuck with just 9 rounds. Probably the most I have done.

For the 2nd round I choose to run. I probably shouldn't have but I am tired of rowing and forget doing 100 DU.

1 mile run time: 12:35
Not a killer run time but for me I will take it. I spent most of the run time trying to find a comfortable run form that has little impact on my knees. So I am going to put 12:35 down for my new PR.

After the WOD I chatted with Lisa about Paleo. I think I am going to start eating a Paleo diet come Monday. I really need to take control of my eating and with the support of everyone at home and Crossfit I should be successful.

Next WOD hopefully can be Monday night.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jan 5 Lunch WOD

Sumo Dead High Pull - 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 , 2, 1
Pull up - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Perform 10 SDHP and 1 pull up, 9 SDHP & 2 pull ups, etc...
Every 1:00 perform 2 burpees

I can not do SDHPs due to my shoulder so I was instructed to do deadlifts instead.
Warm up:
1000m row

Dead Lift (95#) - 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 , 2, 1

Pull up - (Green band)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, (Black Band)9, 10
Time: 16:55

Good WOD today. My shoulders are shot. I am happy to see that I used the green band for as long as I did. when I switched to the black it was really easy to pump out the rest of the pullups.
Next WOD is Saturday morning.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Jan 3 Lunch WOD

Today's WOD was not easy, but a short one.
3 sets of,
5 Wall Balls - 14#
5 Pull-Ups - Green Band
2:00mins of jump rope (12 Double Unders)

I can not get into a rhythm with DU. the Crossfit place has a challenge of 1000 DU by the end of the month. I have 12 so far.

Strength: Thrusters

10 -8 -6-4-2-1

Skill: Ring Pull Ups


Here are the weights I used for Thrusters:
10 - 35
8 - 45
6 - 75
4 - 95
2 - 135
I attempted to do 155 but my form was all off and I decided not to count it.

The Ring pullups, ha, forget it. I couldn't even get one done. So I did jump pullups.
Next WOD is Thursday.
