Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16 Mon Evening WOD

Every 1:00 for 8:00

5 - KB Swings
8 - Box Jumps

Every Round not completed on the minute = 10 double unders or 30 singles.

Back Squat (last Posted September 14, 2011)

2 Rounds
400m run
10 squats
10 pushups
5 jump tucks

Every 1:00 for 8:00

5 - KB Swings (started with 35#, last set 44#)
8 - Box Jumps (started with short box, last 2 used large box)
No jumpropes!
Back Squat (last Posted September 14, 2011)
3 - 95#
3 - 135#
3 - 185#
3 - 235#
1 - 255#

Really liked the KB and Box jumps.  Awesome cardio.  I should have done the taller box to begin with.  I was a little nervous on the heavier weights for the squats.  I don't want to wreck my knees so I was very cautious.  255# was pretty darn heavy.

1 comment:

  1. and you mad it look pretty easy my man! The knee thing won't be an issue if you hit all your cues if you get sloppy it could. My knees actually got better with all the squatting i do. GREAT job last night awesome seeing how you have stepped your game up the last couple weeks.
