Thruster's 95#
pull ups
Warm up:
Air squats
My Fran:
Thruster's 95#
pull ups (blue band)
Time: 10:47
Finally I did Fran and it was not as enjoyable as I thought it would be. She kicked my ass. 95# felt pretty heavy at 5:45 in the morning. I started strong with 10 thrusters in a row and it just went real heavy after that. I went with the blue band today. It was a challenge to get through those first 21 pullups. I broke everything down into sets of 2 or 3. I was hoping for a sub 10min time but I will take sub 11mins. I will see Fran again and I will destroy you!!!!!
Fran is about no wasted movement and being as efficient as possible. the more you do it the better you get at it but the worse you feel.As awful as you felt after your first time will be the best you ever feel. Great job attacking your first Fran tho most just dip there toe in you cannon balled into that bitch!