25:00 AMRAP
400 Meter Run
24 - KB Swings
12 - Sumo Dead High Pull (45#/75#)
6 - Tire Flips
200m run
3 rounds:
10 pushups
10 squats
5 pulls - all done with no band!!!!!
25:00 AMRAP
400 Meter Run
24 - KB Swings (44#)
12 - Sumo Dead High Pull (44# KB modified for shoulder)
6 - Tire Flips (BIG tire)
Total: 4 +run, KB and 6 SDHP
Went heavy on this WOD. I did a big jump on KB from 26# to 44# No more light stuff for me. I want to build some muscle now!! My runs averages 2:20 range which isn't bad. The new tire was awesome! Dirty but awesome!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
April 29 Sunday Funday!
200m run
20 wallballs
15 T2B
20 Box jumps
20 burpees
15 push press 55#/95#
400m row
Round 1 - 3:00min AMRAP
Round 2 - 6:00min AMRAP
Round 3 - 1 RFT
200m run
20 wallballs (16#)
15 T2B
20 Box jumps (tall box)
15 KB SDHP (55#)
20 burpees
15 push press 95#
400m row
Round 1: 38 (2nd)
Round 2: 82 (1st)
Round 3: 11:29 (2nd)
AWESOME WOD! Sunday Open Box Rocks! Coach Dave picked a WOD similar to the last WOD for the Crossfit games last year (scaled down of course). So the WOD goes down like this, you do as many reps as possible going through the list as you can. With my first round I got through the run, wallballs and 3 box jumps which is a score of 38.
I went into this with a "CRUSH IT" mindset. I believe I did! Felt awesome throughout. I like picking someone to chase that is better then me. Today it was Brett and Sophie. Those 2 were rocking it! Thanks for the motivation! Oh for those keeping score....I won. But with this WOD we all won!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
April 27 Evening WOD
Push Press
Warm Up:
3 rounds
200m run
10 pushups
20 jumping jacks
Push Press
5 - 95#
5 - 115#
5 - 135#
1 - 155#
1 - 170#
Extra WOD
7min AMRAP
7 crossfit pushups
26 jump ropes
Total: 11 +pushups
Also completed:
5 kipping pullups
25 situps
Push Press
Warm Up:
3 rounds
200m run
10 pushups
20 jumping jacks
Push Press
5 - 95#
5 - 115#
5 - 135#
1 - 155#
1 - 170#
Extra WOD
7min AMRAP
7 crossfit pushups
26 jump ropes
Total: 11 +pushups
Also completed:
5 kipping pullups
25 situps
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Great Video Series!
I have been watching these video's for the past couple weeks now. Watching the videos and the guy in it, Gary, listening to what he says, his thoughts on eating, his weight and lack of confidence to change his lifestyle, sounds just like me. This latest video he talked about looking at his house and trying to find a place to put a rope or pullup bar. I was thinking the same thing about my house 2 weeks ago. It is just scary how much a like the 2 of us are. Also in the latest video his weight is down to 236.6! he weighs the same as I do!!! We both have lost a ton of weight from eating a Paleo type diet and kicking ass at Crossfit! Crossfit is changing this guy's life. It has and is changing mine.
Killing the Fat Guy
April 25 Noon WOD
16:00 AMRAP
10 - Muscle Ups
20 - Power Cleans (65#/115#)
70 - Box Jumps
100 - 50 (one foot) then 50 (one foot) single jump rope
Muscle Up Substitution
1- Muscle up =
3 - Ring Dips
3 - Pull Ups
Warm Up:
5 Rounds-
5 T2B
5 goblet squats
5 KB swings
10 pushup shoulder taps
30 Pullups (red/blue band)
30 Ring dips (blue band)
20 - Power Cleans (115#)
70 - Box Jumps (small box)
100 single jump rope
Total: 1 full round +25 pullups
extra: 400m run and 25 situps
Goal for this WOD was to complete 1 round. I started off with the red band for pullups and got to 15. Then I used the blue for the rest. Ring dips sucked. Those took awhile to do. When I got to the Power Cleans, 115 felt pretty heavy but I busted those out. Box jumps seem to take forever. I finished my first round in 14 mins. So I had 2 mins left and I was able to do 25 pullups. Tough WOD. After we ran 400m and I did 25 situps. I really need to work on my situps.
April 24 Lunch WOD - Sloppy joe
Sloppy Joe
4 Rounds For Time
25 - Walking Lunges (with weight)
21- Burpees
20 squats
20 situps
20 box jumps
400m run
4 Rounds For Time
25 - Walking Lunges (using various weights)
21- Burpees
Time: 14:59
My goal was to get under 15 mins for this WOD. I had 3 burpees left at 14:50 and I just powered through to get 14:59. Oh man did that suck. Lunges suck by themselves, but throw in some weights it just gets worse. I mixed my weights up. I started off with a 25# plate over head, followed by carrying 2 20# KB. Then I carried a 20# med ball and to finish it off I carried a 45# plate over head and on the shoulders. Burpees weren't to bad. I just went and did them. Starting off with maybe 8 in a row and then went to 2 or 3 in a row to complete the 21. In all, a tough WOD that I was happy to complete under my goal time.
April 23 Evening WOD - 30 & Over
30 & Over
Row 800 Meters30 - Standing Press (45#/65#)
30 - Wallballs
Row 800 Meters
30 - Double Unders
30 - Wallballs
Row 800 Meters
30 - Standing Press (45#/65#)
30 - Double Unders
total of 100
Choose between or mix:
Run 800 Meters
30 - Standing Press (65#)
30 - Wallballs (16#)
Row 800 Meters
90 - Single Jump ropes
30 - Wallballs (16#)
Run 800 Meters
30 - Standing Press (65#)
90 - Single Jump ropes
Time: 22:42
I went into this WOD totally focused on crushing it. I wanted to go all out and I accomplished that! The last set of standing presses to a little longer then expected but pushed through it and finished. I am still working on those damn double unders. They get me every time!!!!!
Monday, April 23, 2012
April 21 Morning Bring a Buddy WOD
Bring a Buddy WOD
200m run
20 pull ups
400m run
20 pull ups
50 push ups
800m run
20 pull ups
50 push ups
75 squats
1 mile run
20 pull ups
50 push ups
75 squats
100 sit ups
PVC stretch
I got together with Suzanne for this WOD since we didn't bring a buddy. She is a kick ass Crossfitter so I knew we could bust this WOD out. We pretty much split everything in half and just went for it.
Time: 22:22
It was great to see a packed house. There was well over 20 people there for the 8:00am class. Hope to see some of those new people back soon!
Rest day for Sunday. Not that I want to rest but my body is telling me to. I really need to buckle down and figure out what I am doing for the summer. I have already signed up for the Warrior Dash in June. I really want to sign up for the August 4th Festivus Games in Hartford, CT. I just need to chat with Kim about our summer schedule.
Friday, April 20, 2012
April 20 Home WOD
At home WOD #1
200m run
20 ground to overhead dumbell presses (10 each arm)30#
20 squats
15 box jumps
10 burpees
5 jump tucks
200m run
Time: 21:39
First time doing a WOD at home. I missed Tuesday so I needed to make up for it. Felt great doing a WOD outside in the sun. Going to have to do that more often when I can't make it to the Box. I also wrote out a WOD for Brady and Reese. They both did awesome.
April 19 Lunch WOD Sum it Up
Sum it Up
3 Rounds
1:00 - Front Squats (55#/105#)
1:00 - Hollow Rocks
1:00 - Kb Swings
1:00 - Double Unders
1:00 Rest
Add up total reps after each round
10 min Core work
3 Rounds
1:00 - Front Squats (95#)
1:00 - Hollow Rocks
1:00 - Kb Swings (26#)
1:00 - singles (few DU thrown in)
1:00 Rest
Total: 330
This was a WOD that really tested my cardio. Nonstop... just go go go. Front squats were fine except it killed my wrists! I did better then expected for hollow rocks. I need to continue to work on my double unders. I feel I am close to figuring those darn things out!
April 18 Afternoon WOD Red Velvet
Red Velvet
15 -1
Toes To Bar
Burpee Box Jumps
200 Meter Run after every even numbered round
15 -1
Toes To Bar
Burpee Box Jumps (rounds 15 - 9 smallbox, rest tall box)
Time: 42:34
Long cardio WOD. Loved it! In total, 120 burpee box jumps and 120 toes to bar. That is a lot! I let Lisa take the small box I was using so I could push myself a little more and use the tall box. It was about the same except I needed to concentrate more on jumping higher to get onto the box.
15 -1
Toes To Bar
Burpee Box Jumps
200 Meter Run after every even numbered round
15 -1
Toes To Bar
Burpee Box Jumps (rounds 15 - 9 smallbox, rest tall box)
Time: 42:34
Long cardio WOD. Loved it! In total, 120 burpee box jumps and 120 toes to bar. That is a lot! I let Lisa take the small box I was using so I could push myself a little more and use the tall box. It was about the same except I needed to concentrate more on jumping higher to get onto the box.
Monday, April 16, 2012
April 16 Mon Evening WOD
Every 1:00 for 8:00
5 - KB Swings
8 - Box Jumps
Every Round not completed on the minute = 10 double unders or 30 singles.
Back Squat (last Posted September 14, 2011)
2 Rounds
400m run
10 squats
10 pushups
5 jump tucks
Every 1:00 for 8:00
5 - KB Swings (started with 35#, last set 44#)
8 - Box Jumps (started with short box, last 2 used large box)
No jumpropes!
Back Squat (last Posted September 14, 2011)
3 - 95#
3 - 135#
3 - 185#
3 - 235#
1 - 255#
Really liked the KB and Box jumps. Awesome cardio. I should have done the taller box to begin with. I was a little nervous on the heavier weights for the squats. I don't want to wreck my knees so I was very cautious. 255# was pretty darn heavy.
5 - KB Swings
8 - Box Jumps
Every Round not completed on the minute = 10 double unders or 30 singles.
Back Squat (last Posted September 14, 2011)
2 Rounds
400m run
10 squats
10 pushups
5 jump tucks
Every 1:00 for 8:00
5 - KB Swings (started with 35#, last set 44#)
8 - Box Jumps (started with short box, last 2 used large box)
No jumpropes!
Back Squat (last Posted September 14, 2011)
3 - 95#
3 - 135#
3 - 185#
3 - 235#
1 - 255#
Really liked the KB and Box jumps. Awesome cardio. I should have done the taller box to begin with. I was a little nervous on the heavier weights for the squats. I don't want to wreck my knees so I was very cautious. 255# was pretty darn heavy.
April 14 Sat Morning WOD
7 Rounds For Time
800 Meter Row
1- Rope Climb
2 - Bodyslams
3 - Handstand Push ups
4 - Tire Flips
10 - Double Unders
7 Rounds For Time
40 min time cap
800 Meter Row/run
1- Rope Climb (laying on the floor)
2 - Bodyslams
3 - Handstand Push ups (box)
4 - Tire Flips
10 - Double Unders
Total: 5 complete rounds + row.
Completed 6th round in 43:05
Tougher WOD then it looks. Lost alot of time on the run. I should have Run/Row most of it. I probably ran 3 times and rowed 3.
800 Meter Row
1- Rope Climb
2 - Bodyslams
3 - Handstand Push ups
4 - Tire Flips
10 - Double Unders
7 Rounds For Time
40 min time cap
800 Meter Row/run
1- Rope Climb (laying on the floor)
2 - Bodyslams
3 - Handstand Push ups (box)
4 - Tire Flips
10 - Double Unders
Total: 5 complete rounds + row.
Completed 6th round in 43:05
Tougher WOD then it looks. Lost alot of time on the run. I should have Run/Row most of it. I probably ran 3 times and rowed 3.
Friday, April 13, 2012
April 13 Really Early Morning WOD - FRAN!
Thruster's 95#
pull ups
Warm up:
Air squats
My Fran:
Thruster's 95#
pull ups (blue band)
Time: 10:47
Finally I did Fran and it was not as enjoyable as I thought it would be. She kicked my ass. 95# felt pretty heavy at 5:45 in the morning. I started strong with 10 thrusters in a row and it just went real heavy after that. I went with the blue band today. It was a challenge to get through those first 21 pullups. I broke everything down into sets of 2 or 3. I was hoping for a sub 10min time but I will take sub 11mins. I will see Fran again and I will destroy you!!!!!
Thruster's 95#
pull ups
Warm up:
Air squats
My Fran:
Thruster's 95#
pull ups (blue band)
Time: 10:47
Finally I did Fran and it was not as enjoyable as I thought it would be. She kicked my ass. 95# felt pretty heavy at 5:45 in the morning. I started strong with 10 thrusters in a row and it just went real heavy after that. I went with the blue band today. It was a challenge to get through those first 21 pullups. I broke everything down into sets of 2 or 3. I was hoping for a sub 10min time but I will take sub 11mins. I will see Fran again and I will destroy you!!!!!
April 12 Lunch WOD
7:00 AMRAP
10 - Deadlifts (115#/185#)
10 - Push Ups
Then...800 Meter run for time (1st timed 800 M of 2012)
Finally..1:00 Max Rep Burpees
Male and Female w/most reps w/be crowned as
high knees
butt kickers
2 rounds
10 pushups
10 situps
7:00 AMRAP
10 - Deadlifts (115#/135#)
10 - Push Ups
Total: 7
800 Meter run for time
Time: 4:04
1:00 Max Rep Burpees
Total: 15
I went with a lower weight for Deadlifts so I could get more of a cardio workout in. I started with 115# but that felt to light so I went up to 135# Had little trouble with pushups. My 800m time was decent. With my knee I don't think I should go faster. Burpees....oh burpees, how I hate you. I wanted to do 21 but that minute went by so fast. I'll take 15. It is a number to build on.
10 - Deadlifts (115#/185#)
10 - Push Ups
Then...800 Meter run for time (1st timed 800 M of 2012)
Finally..1:00 Max Rep Burpees
Male and Female w/most reps w/be crowned as
high knees
butt kickers
2 rounds
10 pushups
10 situps
7:00 AMRAP
10 - Deadlifts (115#/135#)
10 - Push Ups
Total: 7
800 Meter run for time
Time: 4:04
1:00 Max Rep Burpees
Total: 15
I went with a lower weight for Deadlifts so I could get more of a cardio workout in. I started with 115# but that felt to light so I went up to 135# Had little trouble with pushups. My 800m time was decent. With my knee I don't think I should go faster. Burpees....oh burpees, how I hate you. I wanted to do 21 but that minute went by so fast. I'll take 15. It is a number to build on.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
April 11 Lunch WOD
Clean it up!
Clean Complex
Power Clean
Squat Clean
Clean and Press
Rest 2:00
1 PC + 1 SQ + CP = 1 rep
2 rounds
400m run
3 indoor sprints
Power Clean
Squat Clean
Clean and Press
5 - 95#
3 - 125
2 - 135 (Grace Weight)
1 - 145
1 - 165
Loved this WOD. I can tell I am getting stronger. My PR Squat Clean is 165# and I did that pretty easy after going through all those reps. I really wanted to feel the Grace Weight and it wasn't to bad. I want to start working on Grace. Probably start off at 115# and build from there.
Monday, April 9, 2012
April 9 Evening WOD
25:00 AMRAP
20 - Ground to Overhead (65#/85#)
25 - Box Jumps
30 - Wallball Shots
2 rounds
400m run
10 lunges
10 pullups
25:00 AMRAP
20 - Ground to Overhead (85#)
25 - Box Jumps (small box)
30 - Wallball Shots (16#)
Total: 3 complete + 20GO, 25BJ, 21WB
+400m with Ken
+ 30 burpees
My goal was to get 3 rounds. Beat that and almost got 4! I did snatches for all my GOs. 85# was a good weight but I could have gone to 95#. I will remember that for next time
20 - Ground to Overhead (65#/85#)
25 - Box Jumps
30 - Wallball Shots
2 rounds
400m run
10 lunges
10 pullups
25:00 AMRAP
20 - Ground to Overhead (85#)
25 - Box Jumps (small box)
30 - Wallball Shots (16#)
Total: 3 complete + 20GO, 25BJ, 21WB
+400m with Ken
+ 30 burpees
My goal was to get 3 rounds. Beat that and almost got 4! I did snatches for all my GOs. 85# was a good weight but I could have gone to 95#. I will remember that for next time
April 7 Morning WOD
Bring a Buddy for
4 Rounds For Time
10/10 - KB Standing Press (one arm press on one leg)
1:00 Jump Rope
20 - Burpee Broad Jumps
400 Meter Run
30 - Squats
1:00 Jump Rope
Tug of War
10/10 - KB Standing Press (35#)
1:00 Jump Rope
20 - Burpee Broad Jumps
400 Meter Run
30 - Squats
1:00 Jump Rope
Time: 36:54
Great WOD. Burpee BJ suck. Lost a lot of time doing those. Tug of war was a really fun way to end the WOD. We should do that more often.
4 Rounds For Time
10/10 - KB Standing Press (one arm press on one leg)
1:00 Jump Rope
20 - Burpee Broad Jumps
400 Meter Run
30 - Squats
1:00 Jump Rope
Tug of War
10/10 - KB Standing Press (35#)
1:00 Jump Rope
20 - Burpee Broad Jumps
400 Meter Run
30 - Squats
1:00 Jump Rope
Time: 36:54
Great WOD. Burpee BJ suck. Lost a lot of time doing those. Tug of war was a really fun way to end the WOD. We should do that more often.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Advocare 24 Day Challenge Results
I took the Advocare 24 Day Challenge and here are my results:
Inches Lost:
Right Arm: -.75
Shoulders: -5
Chest: -2.25
Waist: -5.25/-4
Hips: -2.75
Right Thigh: -2.5
Right Calf - -.5
Total: 23 inches
Starting Weight: 264.8 lbs
End Weight: 246.4 lbs
Total Loss: 18.4 lbs
I am amazed on how well I did. I did not cheat once on this program. I went to crossfit at least 5 times a week during the challenge and I know it helped with the results. I am such a believer now in this program. Anyone who needs a jump start on weight loss NEEDS to do this challenge.
Any questions on Advocare or the 24 Day Challenge please contact Katie Holland
Inches Lost:
Right Arm: -.75
Shoulders: -5
Chest: -2.25
Waist: -5.25/-4
Hips: -2.75
Right Thigh: -2.5
Right Calf - -.5
Total: 23 inches
Starting Weight: 264.8 lbs

Total Loss: 18.4 lbs
I am amazed on how well I did. I did not cheat once on this program. I went to crossfit at least 5 times a week during the challenge and I know it helped with the results. I am such a believer now in this program. Anyone who needs a jump start on weight loss NEEDS to do this challenge.
Any questions on Advocare or the 24 Day Challenge please contact Katie Holland
April 5 Lunch WOD - EVA
5 Rounds For Time
800 Meter Run or Row
30 - KB Swings
30 - Pull Ups
5 Euro Cardio
10 jumping jacks
10 pushups
5 sprints
800 Meter Run
30 - KB Swings
30 - Pull Ups
Time: 47:07
WOW this was a tough WOD. There was no way I was going to row at all. My shoulders would have been shot. I started off with a 35# KB, but quickly moved to the 20#. For the pullups I started with the Blue band, and again quickly moved to Green. After the 3 round I added a purple band to the green and the last set added the red band. The run wasn't bad but I am sure my knees will hate me for it later. Nice to get another Benchmark WOD in. I also did 10 burpees at the end.
5 Rounds For Time
800 Meter Run or Row
30 - KB Swings
30 - Pull Ups
5 Euro Cardio
10 jumping jacks
10 pushups
5 sprints
800 Meter Run
30 - KB Swings
30 - Pull Ups
Time: 47:07

March 4 Lunch WOD
11 Rounds For Time
12 - KB Sumo Dead High Pull
50 Meter Farmers walk (25# plate or 45# plate each hand)
11 Rounds For Time
12 - KB Swings
50 Meter Farmers walk (45# plate each hand)
Time: 18:07
This was tough. I went up in weight for the KB swings which wasn't to bad. Trying to carry 45# plates with just 3 fingers hurt. Toughed it out and did a great job.
12 - KB Sumo Dead High Pull
50 Meter Farmers walk (25# plate or 45# plate each hand)
11 Rounds For Time
12 - KB Swings
50 Meter Farmers walk (45# plate each hand)
Time: 18:07
This was tough. I went up in weight for the KB swings which wasn't to bad. Trying to carry 45# plates with just 3 fingers hurt. Toughed it out and did a great job.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
April Burpee Challenge!
Some of us burpee challenged folk have decided to do a burpee challenge for the month of April. 1000 burpees by May 1st. We have not decided what the winner gets (or the loser) but I am sure it will be fun. Burpees just plain suck. After this challenge they won't suck as bad anymore! Hopefully. 3...2...1....go!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
April 3 lunch WOD
Three Steps to_______
10 - Deadlifts (125#/205#)
10 - Wallballs
10 - Burpees
10 - Sit ups
20 - Deadlifts (125#/205#)
15 - Box Jumps
15 - Squats
15 - Sit ups
30 - Box Jumps
25 - Wallballs
25 - Squats
25 - Burpees
50 - Wallballs
500 Meter Row
Warm up:
High knees
Side steps
Three Steps to_______
10 - Deadlifts (155#)
10 - Wallballs (20#)
10 - Burpees
10 - Sit ups
20 - Deadlifts (155#)
15 - Box Jumps
15 - Squats
15 - Sit ups
30 - Box Jumps
25 - Wallballs (16#)
25 - Squats
25 - Burpees
50 - Wallballs (16#)
400m run
Time: 18:18
Plus - 500 Meter Row with Brianna
I felt awesome during this WOD. Everything was coming together. Still pretty slow on bucking furpees. The last set really hurt but managed to finish strong.
10 - Deadlifts (125#/205#)
10 - Wallballs
10 - Burpees
10 - Sit ups
20 - Deadlifts (125#/205#)
15 - Box Jumps
15 - Squats
15 - Sit ups
30 - Box Jumps
25 - Wallballs
25 - Squats
25 - Burpees
50 - Wallballs
500 Meter Row
Warm up:
High knees
Side steps
Three Steps to_______
10 - Deadlifts (155#)
10 - Wallballs (20#)
10 - Burpees
10 - Sit ups
20 - Deadlifts (155#)
15 - Box Jumps
15 - Squats
15 - Sit ups
30 - Box Jumps
25 - Wallballs (16#)
25 - Squats
25 - Burpees
50 - Wallballs (16#)
400m run
Time: 18:18
Plus - 500 Meter Row with Brianna
I felt awesome during this WOD. Everything was coming together. Still pretty slow on bucking furpees. The last set really hurt but managed to finish strong.
Monday, April 2, 2012
April 2 Evening WOD
25:00 AMARP
30 - Double Unders
10 - Power Snatch (55#/75#)
10 - Ring Dips
Warm Up:
1 min single jump rope
1 min DU
2 rounds:
10 box dips
20 jumping jacks
25:00 AMARP
30 - Double Unders (60 Singles)
10 - Power Snatch (75#)
10 - Ring Dips (Blue band, Red Band)
Total: 8 complete rounds + 60 singles JR
PLUS - 400m run
Great energy at the Box tonight. The 7:30 classes are really filling up. Still working on DU which just suck. Thinking about buying a jump rope for myself. 75# snatch wasn't to bad but by the 6th round it was getting heavy. Ring dips were ok. I used the blue band most of the time and tried the red once and that just sucked. AFter the WOD Ken and I ran 400m. Nice way to cool down while the weather is cool.
30 - Double Unders
10 - Power Snatch (55#/75#)
10 - Ring Dips
Warm Up:
1 min single jump rope
1 min DU
2 rounds:
10 box dips
20 jumping jacks
25:00 AMARP
30 - Double Unders (60 Singles)
10 - Power Snatch (75#)
10 - Ring Dips (Blue band, Red Band)
Total: 8 complete rounds + 60 singles JR
PLUS - 400m run
Great energy at the Box tonight. The 7:30 classes are really filling up. Still working on DU which just suck. Thinking about buying a jump rope for myself. 75# snatch wasn't to bad but by the 6th round it was getting heavy. Ring dips were ok. I used the blue band most of the time and tried the red once and that just sucked. AFter the WOD Ken and I ran 400m. Nice way to cool down while the weather is cool.
First Swim of the Year
Hit the YMCA at lunch today for my first swim workout of the year. It went pretty well. I had a plan of just doing 400 - 500m. As soon as I jumped in the pool it felt like I never left. Of course after 400m I was pretty tired. I am very happy with how it went and can't wait to get some more work done in there!
Swim: 500m - DONE!
CFSK tonight! Looks like a great WOD!
Swim: 500m - DONE!
CFSK tonight! Looks like a great WOD!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
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