Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 31 Morning WOD

3 Rounds For Time

800 Meter Run
30 - KB Swings
30 - Barbell Thruster

Warm up:
Junkyard Dog
6 sprints
20 ball slams

800 Meter Run - 4min bike, 800m Row, 400m Row 400m run
30 - KB Swings (26#)
30 - Barbell Thruster (45#)
Time: 24:42

GREAT WOD today. Love these cardio ones. Nice to break up the run with row and bike.

March 29 Lunch WOD

25:00 AMRAP

100 - Walking Lunges
30 - Wallballs
20 - Push Press (75#/105#)
10 - Ball Slams

Warm up:
5 euro pushups
30 situps
30 jumping jacks


100 - Walking Lunges
30 - Wallballs (16#)
20 - Push Press (75#)
10 - Ball Slams (20#)
Total: 2 complete rounds plus 100 lunges and 30 wallballs

Really tough WOD. Lunges hurt and lost a lot of time on them. I really wanted to get to 3 complete rounds. next Time!

March 27 Lunch WOD

5 Rounds of Max Reps:

Body Weight Bench Press
Pull Ups

Record number of reps per each round

Warm up:
4:00min bike
21 Barbell Press (45#)
15 KB swings (26#)
9 pushups

Body Weight Bench Press - 175# x3
Pull Ups - Purple band x2

I am so weak at bench presses. Happy with 175# but will need to improve on that!

March 26 Evening WOD

4 Rounds For Time

27 - Box jumps
20 - Burpees
11 - Squat Cleans (115#/145#)

Warm up:
Bear crawls
Side steps

4 Rounds For Time

27 - Box jumps
20 - Burpees
11 - Squat Cleans (90#)
Time: 26:30

March 25 Open WOD 12.5

Open WOD 12.5

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
100 pound Thruster, 3 reps
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 6 reps
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 9 reps
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 12 reps

12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups........

100 pound Thruster, 3 reps
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups - blue band
Thruster, 6 reps
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups- blue band
Thruster, 9 reps
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups- blue band
Thruster, 10 reps

I was super happy with my performance on this WOD. I tried to get at least 1 chest to bar pullup but it was so difficult. Next year I will kill this WOD!

March 24 Morning WOD

I. 4:00 Running Clock
400 Meter Run
Time Remaining - AMRepsAP - Pull Ups
Rest 1:00

II. 4:00 Running Clock
400 Meter Run
Time Remaining - AMRepsAP - Push ups
Rest 1:00

III. 4:00 Running Clock
400 Meter Run
Time Remaining - AMRepsAP - Sit ups
Rest 1:00

IV. 4:00 Running Clock
400 Meter Run
Time Remaining - AMRepsAP - KB Swings
Rest 1:00

V. 4:00 Running Clock
400 Meter Run
Time Remaining
10 - Pull Ups
10 - Push Ups
10 - Sit Ups
10 - KB Swings

Warm up:
2 rounds-
2 mins jump rope
20 lunges


I. 4:00 Running Clock
400 Meter Run
Time Remaining - AMRepsAP - Pull Ups (blue) - 16

II. 4:00 Running Clock
400 Meter Run
Time Remaining - AMRepsAP - Push ups - 36

III. 4:00 Running Clock
400 Meter Run
Time Remaining - AMRepsAP - Sit ups - 29

IV. 4:00 Running Clock
400 Meter Run
Time Remaining - AMRepsAP - KB Swings (26#) - 33

V. 4:00 Running Clock
400 Meter Run
Time Remaining
10 - Pull Ups
10 - Push Ups
10 - Sit Ups
3 - KB Swings

March 22 Lunch WOD

5 Rounds For Time

20 - Knees To Elbows (KTE)
10 - Plate (10#/25#) ground to OH Burpees

Every 3:00
30 Second Wall Hold
2 - Handstand Push up

Warm Up:
2 rounds
20 situps
10 Euro pushups
10 lunges

5 Rounds For Time

20 - Knees To Elbows (KTE)
10 - Plate (25#) ground to OH Burpees
Time: 20:59

Ground to overhead burpees with a 25# weight was tough. I needed to finish before 21mins. I didn't want to do the wall hold and pushups again!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 21 Lunch WOD

Hanging Cleans (10-1) Working towards 1 rep max
"L" Pull Up (2-20)


4 sprints
15 pushups
3 sprints
20 squats
2 sprints
5 burpees

Hanging Cleans (10-1) Working towards 1 rep max
"L" Pull Up (2-20)

10-2 55#
9-4 65#
8-6 75#
7-8 85#
6-10 95#
5-12 105#
4-14 115#
3-16 135#
2-18 145#
1-20 165#

Nice WOD today. Setting a PR for Hanging cleans! Also, set a PR for L pullups, 2. Very excited to do that!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 20 Lunch WOD

4 Rounds For Time

20 - Unbroken Deadlifts ( 65#, 75#, 135# or 185#)
400 Meter Run
10 - Unbroken Box Jumps
Rest 2:00

20 Mountain climbers
20 squat jumps
20 pushups

20 - Unbroken Deadlifts 135# first Rnd, 115# last 3
400 Meter Run
10 - Unbroken Box Jumps (small box)
Rest 2:00
Time: 23:03

It was awesome to finally get into the new BOX and complete a WOD. It was so nice out I was glad to see that there was running in the WOD. 135# was pretty heavy and I didn't think I could get through the other 3 rounds with it unbroken, so I dropped down. My times for the 4 rounds were around 4:15 - 4:20 with my last coming in at 4:03, 13 secs under my first time.

March 18 Open WOD 12.4

Workout 12.4
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:

150 Wall balls 20#
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

150 Wall balls 20#
6 Double-unders
0 Muscle-ups

This was a true test for me. I was excited to just get through the wall balls! I really had nothing left when I started the DU. I am shocked I got six! I finished the wall balls around the 10:30 mark which gave me a min and a half to get something for DU. In all I am happy with what I accomplished. Next sunday is the last Open Games WOD. Lets hope it is a good one!

March 17 St. Patty's Day Morning WOD

Run 1 Mile
100 Sit ups
200 Push Ups
300 Air Squats
Run 1 Mile

Box Jump Path

Run 1 Mile - 10:46
100 Sit ups
200 Push Ups
300 Air Squats
Row 1/2 mile
Run 1/2 mile
Time: 51:56

The mile run was great! I think I found a form I can use for running some distance. No issues with my knees even the next day! We all broke this into 10 rounds. Worked out really well. I should have did level 1 knowing I was going to do the open WOD 12.4 then next day.

March 15 Lunch WOD

Strength: Squat Clean

Skill: GHD Sit up

4:00 AMRAP
10/10 - Flutter Kicks
20 - Sit ups

Warm Up:
2 rounds
1 min jump rope
15 squats
15 situps
1 min wall hold

Strength: Squat Clean
2 - 85#
2 - 95#
2 - 115#
2 - 145#
2 - 155#
2 - 165#

4:00 AMRAP
10/10 - Flutter Kicks
20 - Sit ups
Total: 3 rounds

This was my first time doing squat cleans. I started off really light and made it to 165# I am happy with that. I started losing my form at 165# so I stopped. I might have gotten 170#.

March 14 Lunch WOD

25:00 AMRAP

15 - Jump the box, dynamax ball or plates
200 Meter Run w/KB
20 - Bench Press

Warm Up
3 rounds
1min jump rope
15 wall balls
15 lunges

15 - Jump the dynamax ball
200 Meter Run w/KB
20 - Bench Press 135#
Total: 5 rounds +15 BP

I enjoyed this WOD. First time running with a KB and it proved to be challenging. I am weak when it comes to bench presses. I hope to work on those more in the future.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 13 Lunch WOD

10 - Standing Press (50% max # )
Max Rep Chin ups (2 hands reverse grip)
10 - Standing Press (60% max)
Max Rep Chin ups
10 - Standing Press (70% max)
Max Rep Chin Ups
5 - Standing Press (80% max)
Max Rep Chin Ups
5 - Standing Press (90% max)
Max Rep Chin ups
5 - Standing Press (100% max)
Max Rep Chin Ups

Post Max Weight & total number of chin ups

shuttle runs
2 rounds
10 pushups
20 situps

10 - Standing Press (50% max # ) 55#
Max Rep Chin ups (2 hands reverse grip) 6
10 - Standing Press (60% max) #65
Max Rep Chin ups 5
10 - Standing Press (70% max) 75#
Max Rep Chin Ups 7
5 - Standing Press (80% max) 95#
Max Rep Chin Ups 7
5 - Standing Press (90% max) 105#
Max Rep Chin ups 6
5 - Standing Press (100% max) 115#
Max Rep Chin Ups 8

1 max rep for standing press: 135#

March 12 Evening WOD

Code Red

400 Meter Run
Hanging Cleans (55#/75#)
KB Goblett Squat
Hollow Rock
KB Swing

4 rounds
3 pullups Blue band
9 squats

Code Red

400 Meter Run x3
Hanging Cleans (75#)
KB Goblett Squat (26.5#)
Hollow Rock
KB Swing (26.5#)
time: 21:43

Nice cardio WOD. Really hate hollow rocks. I really enjoyed running the 400m.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 8 Lunch WOD

30 - Handstand Push Ups
40 - Pull Ups
50 - KB Swings
60 - Sit Ups
70 - Burpees


30 - Handstand Push Ups (Box)
40 - Pull Ups (Green)
50 - KB Swings (26#)
60 - Sit Ups
70 - Burpees
Broken into 10's
Time: 17:40

This was a tough WOD. Breaking it up into 10's made it much easier. I actually enjoy WODs like this. More cardio the better!

Friday, March 9, 2012

March 7 Lunch WOD

10:00 As Many Reps as Possible
Power Snatch

30 - 75#
30 - 135#
30 -165#

3 rounds
Row, Run, 2min bike

30 - 75#
16 - 135#

This WOD was part of the Crossfit Open games this past week. Nice to see where I stand with others.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 6 Lunch WOD

4 Rounds For Time

20 - Ring Dips
4 - Tire Flips
40 - Hand Release Push Ups

Warm up:
30 situps
20 lunges
10 bear crawl
5 burpees

4 Rounds For Time

20 - Ring Dips (Blue band)
4 - Tire Flips
40 - Hand Release Push Ups
Time: 21:20

Handrelease pushups sucked. Those took most of my time. Love tire flips.

March 5 Evening WOD

12 - Thrusters (115#/135#)
50 - Double Unders
10 - Thrusters
40 - Double Unders
8 - Thrusters
30 - Double Unders
6 - Thrusters
20 - Double Unders
4 - Thrusters
10 - Double Unders

2 rounds
400m run or 500m row
15 pushups
15 situps
15 OHS (PVC)

12 - Thrusters (75#)
2:30 singles
10 - Thrusters
2:10 singles
8 - Thrusters
1:40 singles
6 - Thrusters
1:00 singles
4 - Thrusters
1:00 singles
time: 12:41

Bonus Cardio:
Team challenge
15 OHS (PVC)
15 situps
15 pushups

Great WOD tonight. The extra Cardio at the end was great! Dave threw that in there for a little team building. Should do that more often.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

1st Annual 9463 Charity Challenge At CFSK

Today was the 1st Annual 9463 Charity Challenge At CFSK. The 9463 Foundation for Florida's Fallen Officers which remembers fallen heroes, educates the public, and supports and assists the families who have lost loved ones while they were serving the community. There was an awesome turnout. The WOD for this event was set up like a Tabata, 20sec work, 10 sec rest.

9 Wallballs
4 Crossfit situps
6 Crossfit Pushups
3 Burpees

I had a total of 203 which was WAY off from the winners. But I had a great time and it was well worth the pain!

Every one did an awesome job and congrats to the winners!

Video of the Charity Challenge:

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1 Lunch WOD

How Far Can You Go in 8:00

3 - Pull ups
3 - Thrusters (65#/95#)
6 - Pull ups
6 - Thrusters
9 - Pull ups
9 - Thrusters

Warm up:
Junkyard Dog
2 rounds of
10 wallballs
5 pullups

3 - Pull ups (greenband)
3 - Thrusters 85#
6 - Pull ups
6 - Thrusters 85#
9 - Pull ups
9 - Thrusters 85#
12- Pull ups
12- Thrusters 75#
15- Pull ups
9- Thrusters 75#

Time ran out on my last set of Thrusters. Very hard WOD but Will be nice to do again in a few months. Pullups were pretty good. by the 12th round I was spent. My shoulders are sore now.

Feb 29 Lunch WOD

3 Rounds For Time
21 - Hanging Cleans (85#/115#)
40 - Sit Ups

5 rounds
Little Cindy
3 Pullups
6 pushups
9 squats


3 Rounds For Time
21 - Hanging Cleans (#95)
40 - Sit Ups

Sore after this one. I was worried about a little pain on the right side of my lower back but I didn't feel it at all.