800 Meters
50 - Squats
800 Meters
40 - Sit ups
800 Meters
30 - Burpees
400 Meters
20 - Double Unders
800 Meters
10 - Pull ups
ladder work
800 Meters - Row
50 - Squats
800 Meters - Row
40 - Sit ups
800 Meters - Bike
30 - Burpees
400 Meters - run
20 - Double Unders
800 Meters - Row
10 - Pull ups 2 blue band, 8 green
Total: 30:32
When I saw this WOD in the morning I thought it would be a great test for me to complete. To really see how far I have come. It was great. Really pushed it and had an awesome time of 30:32. I really wanted to get under 30min, but next time I will. Actually did the 20 DU. 1 at a time but I did them. Hopefully my body will recover quick enough for tomorrow's WOD, Cindy.

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