Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9 Lunch WOD

For Time:
40 - Push ups
35 - Box Jumps
30 - Knees to Elbows
25 - Bench Press
20 - Drive the bus
400 Meter Run
then...Work your way back to 40 Push ups


40 - Push ups
35 - Box Jumps (small)
30 - Knees to Elbows
25 - Bench Press (115#)
20 - Drive the bus (25#)
400 Meter Row
then...Work your way back to 40 Push ups
Time: 22:26

Just like yesterday I didn't really feel up to doing this WOD.  My back was still a little sore plus my arms felt like they had no strength in them.  But it is very hard for me to stay away so I told myself I would modify if I had to.  Around 10:00am everything started to feel better so I went and did a decent job on the WOD.  I didn't modify any of it and pulled a great time.  I really need to work on those pushups!!!!

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