Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 15 Lunch WOD MANION

7 Rounds For Time
400 Meter Run
29 - Back Squat (135#)

20 box jumps
20 KB swings
20 situps
20 CF PU


7 Rounds For Time
400 Meter Run/row
29 - Back Squat (65#)
Time: 28:59

Since I am coming from a few days off due to a lower back issue I went light today.  It actually made it a great Cardio workout.  I rowed 4 times and ran 3.  My rowing has really come around lately.

First Lieutenant Travis Manion, 26, of Doylestown, Pennsylvania, assigned to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Pendleton, California, was killed by sniper fire on April 29, 2007 while fighting against an enemy ambush in Anbar Province, Iraq. He is survived by his father, Colonel Tom Manion, mother Janet Manion, and sister Ryan Borek.

Monday, May 14, 2012

May 14 Evening WOD Stand Press/ Rope Climb

Standing Press
5 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 3 -1 -1
2 Rope Climb
Rest 1:00
3 Rope Climb

200m run


Standing Press
5 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 3 -1 -1
Ended with 1 @135#

Highlight of the Night!
I have been wanting to climb that damn rope so bad and tonight was the night I was going to do it.  My first attempt was horrible.  I could not keep the rope on my foot when I pulled up.  But something clicked in my head and I just went up that rope and tapped the crossbeam!  I finally did it!!!!!  SO excited I did it again! It is an awesome feeling reaching a milestone.

Congrats to Ken on his Standing Press 185# PR

Sunday, May 13, 2012

What the Hell is Wrong!!

So I sat out a few days last week due to a lower back issue.  Now I have something going on with my right butt muscle.  The only thing I can think of is that I hurt it bowling on Friday.  I haven't done anything else that would bring it on.  Anyways we will see how it feels in the morning and hopefully hit tomorrow night at CFSK!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Unscheduled Day Off

 I think my body is telling me to take today off from Crossfit.  I hate taking days off.  I also do not like being 100% when I tackle a WOD.  So the plan is to take today and tomorrow off so my body can recover and then hit Saturday full force.  These past 2 days have been rough.  I can feel that I am weak and couldn't give it my all.  Until Saturday.....

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9 Lunch WOD

For Time:
40 - Push ups
35 - Box Jumps
30 - Knees to Elbows
25 - Bench Press
20 - Drive the bus
400 Meter Run
then...Work your way back to 40 Push ups


40 - Push ups
35 - Box Jumps (small)
30 - Knees to Elbows
25 - Bench Press (115#)
20 - Drive the bus (25#)
400 Meter Row
then...Work your way back to 40 Push ups
Time: 22:26

Just like yesterday I didn't really feel up to doing this WOD.  My back was still a little sore plus my arms felt like they had no strength in them.  But it is very hard for me to stay away so I told myself I would modify if I had to.  Around 10:00am everything started to feel better so I went and did a decent job on the WOD.  I didn't modify any of it and pulled a great time.  I really need to work on those pushups!!!!

May 8th Lunch WOD Deadlifts

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 , 1
1 arm DB or KB Snacth


10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 , 1
Deadlifts 10@135#, 9-4@155, 3-1@175#
1 arm DB or KB Snatch - 35#DB

I almost didn't go to this WOD.  My lower back is a little sore from Sunday.  I just figured I would go light and push through it.  Well I ended up at 175# for my Deadlift.  I could have gone higher but I didn't want to take any chances.

May 7 Monday night WOD Epic Battle!

6 Rounds For Time

15 - Standing Presses
3 - Pull ups
15 - Dynamax Ball Sit ups
3 - Pull ups
15 - Floor Wipers
3 -  Pull ups
15 - KB Swings
3 - Pull ups

400m run
10 pushups
200m run


6 Rounds For Time
15 - Standing Presses 65#
3 - Pull ups
15 - Dynamax Ball Sit ups 20#
3 - Pull ups
15 - Floor Wipers 65#
3 -  Pull ups
15 - KB Swings 35#
3 - Pull ups
400m run at the end of the 6th round
Time: 26:34pre run/29:02 after

This WOD was epic.  I set myself up right next to Ken.  I wanted to push this one to the max.  I decided before we started that I would do all the pullups unassisted until I was tired and then I would switch to a band.  Well, that never happened.  I was waiting for Ken to switch but he never did so I couldn't.  We battled back and forth for the first 4 rounds.  I tried my hardest to pull away but just couldn't.  Finally in the 5th round I pulled 1 exercise in front of him and never looked back.  This guy was killing me.  We both hardly took breaks.  It was all go from the beginning.  I would have to say that was one of the toughest/fun WODs I have ever done.  A big thanks to Ken for pushing me to my limits and to do all pullups unassisted!
I can't wait for the next battle!

May 6 Sunday Funday!

AMRAP 10:00mins
row 800
20 pistols (10 per leg)
10 hang cleans 95#/135#

5:00min break

AMRAP 10:00mins
3 thrusters 65#/95#
3 burpees
6 thrusters 65#/95#
6 burpees
9 thrusters 65#/95#
9 burpees
12 thrusters 65#/95#
12 burpees
200m run
3 rounds:
10 pushups
10 box jumps
5 hang cleans
5 thrusters


AMRAP 10:00mins
row 800
20 pistols (10 per leg)
10 hang cleans 125#
total: 2 complete rounds

5:00min break

AMRAP 10:00mins
3 thrusters 95#
3 burpees
6 thrusters 95#
6 burpees
9 thrusters 95#
9 burpees
12 thrusters 95#
12 burpees
15 thrusters 95#
6 burpees

I was totally in the zone for the first AMRAP.  I wanted to complete 2 rounds.  I did, but it cost me.  I had almost nothing left in the tank for the next AMRAP.  I figured I would just shoot for what Ken did.  I ended up even with Ken on the 2nd AMRAP which is fine with me.  Sunday WODs rock.  Awesome atmosphere throughout the entire morning.

May 5 Sat Buddy WOD

P1- 25#/45# Plate farmers walk
P2 - Toss Dynomax ball over Pu bar until P1 finishes
then switch
P1+P2 - 100 CF pushups total
P1+P2 - 1min wall sit
P1+P2 - 100 CF situps total
P1+P2 - 1min plank
P1- 50 step up on box
P2 - jump rope until P1 is done
Then switch

Warm up
2 rounds
5 pushups
10 squats
15 situps

I teamed up with Steve U. on this one.  We crushed this one.  Pushups really gave me a hard time.  I tried to make up time in other areas.  Also, planks just suck.  I really should work on those.
Time: 32:53
Just sitting around waiting for something exciting to happen!

May 3 Evening WOD Row/Thrust/ROw

For Time
Run/Row 1 Mile (for time - see below)
30 - Thrusters (65#/95#)
Run/Row 1Mile (for time- see below)
Example : First mile time = 7:00
                 Second mile time = 8:10
Difference in time = 70 seconds = 70 Reps owed
1 second = 1 rep
Reps owed to be complete either by 20# Ball Slams or Jump the Stick

Warm Up:
2 mins jump rope
20 wall balls
4 sprints
10 wall balls

Row 1 Mile 6:32
30 - Thrusters (95#)
Row 1Mile 6:25

Rowing is becoming a strength for me.  My previous mile time for the row was around 6:50.  I beat that twice in the same night.  I know I can get under 6mins if it was the only thing I was doing.  There was no way I was going to "Owe" anyone anything!!!

May 2 Lunch WOD Hang Clean

Hanging Cleans
Skill - One arm barbell thruster
20 squats
20 situps
20 box jumps
10 pullups

Hanging Cleans
5 - 95#
4 - 115#
3 - 135#
2 - 165#
1 - 185#

Very excited to get a 20# PR for this!  165# seemed pretty easy compared to the last time I did it.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 1 Lunch WOD Tabata This

20 Seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals
Pull ups
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Box Jumps

1 min jump rope
1 min DU
2 pullups
3 pushups
4 situps
5 squats
2 box jumps

Pull ups 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Push Ups 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7
Sit Ups 10, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7
Squats 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16
Box Jumps 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 7
Total: 312
True: 37

Compared numbers from the last time we did this and I did so much better!  I averaged 12's for squats last time and this time I did 15.  I didn't use a band on this one.  So my numbers are low but I'll take it!  I really need to work on my pushups and situps.