Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 17 Noon WOD Pullup PR!

2 rounds
400m Row
High knee pull walk
1:00min jump rope
12 45# plate presses

7:00 - Chest to Bar - Pull Up Work/Practice
Max rep - Unbroken Pull ups - 15!!!! PR!

18:00 AMRAP

200 Meter Run w/KB (26#)
8 - Standing Presses (75#)
20- Ball Slams (20#)
8 - Split Jerks (105#)
4 complete rounds

New pullup PR!  After the 3 pullup I got into a pullup/kip groove and I was gone!  I probably could have done 16 or 17 but my hands started to slip.  I have come a long way since I started.  From black band to 15 unassisted pullups!!!!!  

July 16 Evening WOD

3 rounds
10 OHS (pvc)
10 pullups
10 pushups

8 Rounds - 2:00 to Complete each Round

15 - Back Squat (95#)
10- Dynamax Ball Sit Ups (20#)
Rest 30 Seconds
1:20 (115# BS)

Little tired after taking 5 days off.  Managed to stay pretty consistent for my rounds.  I decided to go up in weight on the last one.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Evening Comp WOD Max Clean and Jerk

Tabita: squats

15 min 1 rep max Power Clean and Jerk
total: 195#
Failed at 206.  Power cleaned 206 but I could not get it overhead!!  I must try that again

400m run/row
50 situps
25 box jumps (tall box with 45# plate)
time: 21:02

Felt pretty good for the 2nd WOD of the day.  Box jumps were slow.  Did a row for the 2nd round instead of the run.

Taking a few days off.  I will be back at it next Monday!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10 Lunch WOD

situp tabata: 81 total

14:00 (2) Stations of Practice  - 7:00 per station

Rope Climb - 1 rope climb
Muscle Up - Kipping practice

20:00 AMRAP
15 - Double Unders
10 - Squats
5 - Ground to OH (115#)

Rounds: 9 plus JR

Still working on DU.  I mixed in a few DU with regular jope rope.  Mixed up my ground to overhead with clean and jerks, deadlift-clean and jerks and squat cleans.  Felt great today.  Going in for #2 tonight at 7:15.

July 9 Thruster PR

Warm up:
mini Cindy
2 rounds:
3 pullups
5 squats
10 pushups


12:00 - Establish 1RM Thruster
#175 (PR)

For Time
50 - Wallballs
25 - KB Swings
40 - Wallballs
20 - KB Swings
30 - Wallballs
15 - KB Swings
20 - Wallballs
10 - KB Swings
*Every 3:00 - Complete 10 HR Push ups*

Time: 11:01 
20# Wallball
44# KB

It was nice to finally get a PR on Thrusters.  Never gone for one before.  The WB/KB WOD was great.  REally pushed myself through and got a great time.  I went heavy on the KB.  I have been using the 36# but decided that July is the month to go heavy and not worry about how many rounds or time.
Festivus is coming fast!