Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Feb 27 Evening WOD

21:00 - 3:00 to complete each round:

10 - Deadlifts ( 115#/185#)
20 - Hollow Rocks
10 - Pull Ups
20 - Double Unders

Any time left on the clock before 3:00 expire shall be used for rest. If 3:00 expire before all moves are completed, start next round from the beginning.

2 rounds
jump rope 1min
20 wallballs - 16#
jump rope 1min

10 - Deadlifts 155#
20 - Hollow Rocks
10 - Pull Ups - green
40 - Single jump ropes

Hollowrocks kicked my ass on this one. The right side of my lower back was sore during the whole WOD which slowed me down. I would like to come back and do this WOD again when my back is better. I was able to at least jump a little rope before time expired at 3 mins. That was my goal when the WOD started.

Monday, February 27, 2012

CFSK Burpees!!!!

Congrats to all of those CFSK'rs that completed 7 mins of fun! Watching everyone do their rounds was awesome and inspiring! Keep it up!

Feb 25 Morning WOD

For Time
20 - Calorie Row
30 - Ground to overhead (55#/75#)
15 - "L" Pull ups
100 - Walking Lunges
400 Meter Sprint

5 Pushups
10 situps
15 Squats
Surprise Cardio: 2 Mins of Burpees

20 - Calorie Row
30 - Ground to overhead (75#)
15 - "L" Bar hangs (2secs)
100 - Walking Lunges
400 Meter Sprint
Time: 16:20

Another great Saturday morning WOD. Push myself a little harder this time. I really wanted a good time. I was happy to do the Ground to Overheads RX. 100 walking lunges...ugh. But the Surprise cardio of the day was fun. 2 mins AMRAP of Burpees. Roger wanted to give us a taste of what others will be doing for the Crossfit Open. They are doing 7 mins of burpees. 2 mins was good enough for me.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Fun

Feb 23 Evening WOD


Toes to Bar
Baby Cindy
KB Swings
20 Second Rest

Cindy (pull ups, push ups, squats)
Baby Cindy (2, 4, 8)
Cindy ( 5, 10, 15)

WArm up:
PVC stretch
400m run (2min26sec)


Toes to Bar
Baby Cindy
KB Swings (26#)
20 Second Rest
Time: 20:15

400m row (easy)

This was a great WOD. I tasted dinner a few times doing burpees but besides that it was awesome. Great group there last night. For the warm up I decided to run instead of row. I need to find a way to run so I can prepare for the Warrior dash in June. I also moved up in weight on my kettlebells from 20# to 26.5 #. Felt good and will stick with that for awhile.

Feb 22 Lunch WOD

Max Height Box Jump (12:00)
Max Rep Rope Climb
Max Rep Unbroken Double Unders (12:00)

Warm up:
Box Steps
hollow Rocks

ROM Drills

Max Height Box Jump - 35 3/4 inches New PR
Max Rep Rope Climb - half way
Max Rep Unbroken Double Unders - 1

Nailed a new PR on the box jump. Really excited about that one. Rope climb was really hard. Need to lose a little weight to get that one done! Double unders, well it is Double unders. Hate them!!

Feb 20 Morning WOD

10:00 AMRAP
21 - Wallballs
400 Meter Run

Rest 2:00

10:00 AMRAP
21 - Double Unders
7 - Burpees

10:00 AMRAP
21 - Wallballs
400 Meter Row/run/bike
Total: 3 +15 WB

Rest 2:00

10:00 AMRAP
21 - Double Unders
7 - Burpees
Total: 3 + 2DU

Dislike DU. I will get them sooner or later. Mixed it up a little on the 400m in the first AMRAP.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Feb 19 Sunday Morning WOD

600m row
15 burpees
AMRAP - Clean and Jerk #135 - 8
rest 2 mins

5 mins
300m row
10 burpees
AMRAP - Clean and Jerk #135 - 6
rest 2 mins

3 mins
100m row
5 burpees
AMRAP - Clean and Jerk #135 - 5

This WOD was super hard. I do not think I have ever done #135 clean and jerk. That was a heavy weight as you can tell by how many reps I got out of it. There was a great group of people there that morning and it really helped me get through this WOD.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Feb 18 Morning WOD

Nasty Girls
3 Rounds For Time
50 - Squats
7 muscle ups or (3) Pull Ups & (3) Ring Dips = 1 MU
10 - Hanging Cleans (135#)

2 rounds
10 situps
2 rounds
10 pushups
2 burpees

50 - Squats
21 Pull Ups (green) & 21Ring Dips (Red)
10 - Hanging Cleans (105#)

Tough WOD today. I didn't feel strong at all and really struggled with the pullups and ring dips.
Probably a combo of early morning WOD and little breakfast.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Feb 16 Lunch WOD

8 Plate step up on Box 25#
16 KB Swings 20#

Steve's other WOD
10 Burpees
15 jump lunges
20 DU
5 shuttle runs

400m run
10 squats
10 pushups
10 situps

10 Burpees
15 jump lunges
20 DU
5 shuttle runs
Total: 33: 20


8 Plate step up on Box 25#
16 KB Swings 20#

Double WOD day today. Thanks Steve!! Awesome workout. I really pushed myself to finish. AFter the 6th round of the first WOD I halfed everything so I could get back to work in time. I really felt good after completing both. I couldn't have done that 2 months or maybe even 1 month ago.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feb 15 Lunch WOD

Power Cleans

PVC stretch
jump rope

65, 85, 95, 115, 135 x5
155 x1
175 x1
185 x1 PR

Nice to set a new PR on something. Power Cleans today were great. The weight didn't get heavy until I hit 175. That was hard. My first attempt at 185 I dumped. It just didn't feel right. My 2nd attempt I just wanted to get it done! I am sure it didn't look pretty but I got it done. Looking back I could have done 155 x5 but I can save that for the next time.

Feb 14 Lunch WOD

PVC stretch

30:00 AMRAP

30 - Sit Ups
20 - Double Unders
30 - Hollow Rocks

Lisa pulled the joker, twice, and we had to do 25 burpees each time.
2 - 400m rows
1 set of 11 crossfit pushups
Total: 3 +situps and 5 DU

Hollow Rocker hurt. They are not fun at all. I mostly did them in sets of 5. It was actually nice to break up the WOD with the Rows or pushups.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Warrior Dash

Just signed up for the New England Warrior Dash. Now I have something to work towards since I want to destroy that course!

Feb 13 Evening WOD


Deadlifts (225#)
Handstand Push ups


3 - Pull ups
3 - Ring Dips
= 1 Rep...Complete 5 Reps

40 situps
30 DU
20 pushups
10 jump tucks


Deadlifts (115#)
Handstand Push ups (tall box)

3 - Pull ups (green)
3 - Ring Dips (Blue)
= 1 Rep...Complete 5 Reps

Max Dead Lift - 245

Great evening WOD. Nice to see Brianna back and kicking butt. My max dead lift for the night was 245. I could have gone heavier, probably 285. I'll save it for next time.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Brady's Crossfit WOD

Brady went over to his friend Nico's house tonight for a play date. Little did he know he was going to do his first crossfit WOD with Nico's dad. Here is what they did:
10 Pushups
10 jumping jacks
5 Wheels
15 situps
20 air squats
5/5 pen step / sprawls
5 handstand pushups
30 sec wall sit
10 pull ups
20 jumping jacks
5 burpees

Great job guys on finishing! And thanks Steve for getting my son tired and ready for bed!

Feb 11 Morning WOD

2 Person Workout (split the workout into any form that benefits you and your partner)

40 - Burpees
100 - Pull ups
4:00 Jump Rope
80 - Box Jumps
2:00 Wall Sit Hold
30 - KTE
50 - WallBalls
60 - Sit ups

PVC stretch
Ladder work with 10OHS (PVC)

40 - Burpees (20)
100 - Pull ups Green band 50
4:00 Jump Rope
80 - Box Jumps (40)
2:00 Wall Sit Hold 1:00min
30 - KTE (15)
50 - WallBalls (30)
60 - Sit ups (25)
Total time: 21:06

Teamed up with Donna today who really pushed me to the limit. Awesome WOD and want to thank Donna for being such a great teamate. So glad Burpees where first on the list.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Feb 9 Evening WOD

7 Rounds For Time

7 - Ring Dips
7- Standing Press (55#/75#)
7 - Tire Flips
21 - KB Swings

10 OHS
30 Good mornings
30 pushups
3mins DU

7 - Ring Dips (Most done with blue band then Green for the last 2 sets)
7- Standing Press (75#)
7 - Tire Flips
21 - KB Swings (mix of 15# and 20#)
Total: 21:37

This was an awesome WOD. It was nonstop moving from station to station. Tire Flips were awesome. Definitely got harder as the time went on. I was very happy with how I did.

Feb 8 Lunch WOD

6 - Thrusters (65#/95#)
2 - Box Jumps
5 - Thrusters
4 - Box Jumps
4 - Thrusters
6 - Box Jumps
3 - Thrusters
8 -Box Jumps
2 -Thrusters
10 - Box Jumps
1 - Thruster
12 - Box Jumps

6 - Thrusters 65#
2 - Box Jumps short box
5 - Thrusters 85#
4 - Box Jumps tall box
4 - Thrusters 95#
6 - Box Jumps tall box with 1 plate
3 - Thrusters 115#
8 -Box Jumps tall box
2 -Thrusters 135#
10 - Box Jumps tall box
1 - Thruster 155#
12 - Box Jumps tall box

Overhead Squats
45# - 45# - 65# - 75# - 65#
New PR 75#

Feb 7 Lunch WOD

3 Rounds For Time

21 - 15 - 9

Pull Ups
Double Unders

100 Squats - Complete 100 squats before the 3 rounds are over. Can not do
more than 10 at a time

10 v-ups
10 pushups
20 situps
1 min jump rope

21 Pull Ups (green Band)
15 Wallballs (14# ball)
2:00 min row level 7
100 squats
Total: 15:00

Monday, February 6, 2012

Darn Snowboarding

Went snowboarding with my son on Friday and had a great time. It has been at least 6 years or more since the last time I went. We had a great time and I didn't have any major wipe outs. But i did manage to twist my ankle. So I have been sidelined from Crossfit for the past few days. I am going to the Lunch WOD tomorrow and see what I can do. I don't want to not do anything.

I have been giving it a lot of thought about trying to go Paleo. I think it would be very hard for me to stick with it. Crossfit SK might have some sort of challenge, so I might jump in on that and go for it. We'll see.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Feb 1 Lunch WOD

15:00 AMRAP

4 - Handstand Push ups
8 - Overhead Squats
12/12 - One arm KB snatch

Skill = Tire Flip

200m run or row
25 Crossfit situps

4 - Handstand Push ups on Tall box
8 - Overhead Squats 15# bar, Last set with 45#
12/12 - One arm KB snatch, first 3 sets with 20#, last sets with 15#
Total: 5 +Pushups, OHS 6/6KBS

Jan 31 Lunch WOD

5 Rounds For Time

12 - Deadlifts (155#/225#)
20 - Pull Ups
12 - Wallballs
20 - Burpees

5 Rounds For Time

12 - Deadlifts (135#)
20 - Pull Ups (green)
12 - Wallballs (14lbs)
20 - Burpees
1 round normal reps
last 4 scaled to half the reps
Total time: 34:30

So I learned a lesson today. Do not give blood the day before a WOD like this one. After the first round I was so gassed I didn't know if I could make it through. I got a little dizy doing the deadlifts. Nothing to major, but just enough to make me pause. I will not be doing that again.