21:00 - 3:00 to complete each round:
10 - Deadlifts ( 115#/185#)
20 - Hollow Rocks
10 - Pull Ups
20 - Double Unders
Any time left on the clock before 3:00 expire shall be used for rest. If 3:00 expire before all moves are completed, start next round from the beginning.
2 rounds
jump rope 1min
20 wallballs - 16#
jump rope 1min
10 - Deadlifts 155#
20 - Hollow Rocks
10 - Pull Ups - green
40 - Single jump ropes
Hollowrocks kicked my ass on this one. The right side of my lower back was sore during the whole WOD which slowed me down. I would like to come back and do this WOD again when my back is better. I was able to at least jump a little rope before time expired at 3 mins. That was my goal when the WOD started.